Welcome to iProfEducation.com
“Learning does not need to be a chore for children. We have gotten used to the fact that learning is perceived as a boring and cumbersome activity due to the very nature of the exercises involved in the process. However, for children, especially young ones, learning can be turned into a fun adventure. ”
What we really do?
We offer a wide variety of activities for children of all ages that will keep them engaged, while at the same time allowing them to have fun. Our exercises help them develop their Math skills, Handwriting skills, General knowledge skills, etc. teach them the basics of human universal live and give them a fun way to discover new notions.
Our Mission : Make teaching easy and fun
School teachers, home teachers, parents and anyone involved in the process of training children have the role of channeling their energy so that they get the most out of their childhood through discovery activities ( through play, learning new concepts…). In order to make this experience fun, flexible and profitable, we support you in this mission by putting our know-how at your disposal.
Our Vision : Effective teaching approaches
Teaching being one of the most difficult, complex and unavoidable jobs in our world, we have made it our mission to produce educational resources that are reliable, effective and in harmony with the expectations of school programs. They adapt to various types of education and correspond to the standards of the Ministry of Education.
Implement a unique experience
There is no specific mold to contain or calibrate the restitution ability of trainers or to define the learning ability of children. Each relationship between trainer and learner is unique, as is the exchange of knowledge that takes place during their meeting. This is why the resources that we create for you are also very diverse and specific to meet your need to transmit and quench children’s thirst for knowledge.
We are listening to you
Your concerns put us on the right track.
Even with all the goodwill in the world, we can’t always meet everyone’s needs. We therefore remain at your disposal and take note of all your requests. From the content you want to have through the need for improvement to the insufficient that you note on the site; your comments and proposals are welcome.
Contact us by filling out the following form :