Grade 6 Data and Graphs worksheets with solutions


Grade Levels
Grade 6

Resource Type
Worksheets, Printables, Homeschool

CCSS 6.SP.A.2 | CCSS 6.SP.B.4 | CCSS 6.SP.B.5a

PDF (25.9 MB | 42 pages → Exercises + Solutions)

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This package allows you to practice the following skills

Interpreting pictographs

Creating pictographs

Interpreting line plots

Creating line plots

Creating and interpreting line plots with fractions

Interpreting bar graphs

Creating bar graphs

Interpreting double bar graphs

Creating double bar graphs

Interpreting histograms

Creating histograms

Interpreting circle graphs

Interpreting line graphs

Creating line graphs

Interpreting double line graphs

Creating double line graphs

Interpreting stem and leaf-plots

Creating stem and leaf-plots

Interpreting box and whisker

Choosing the best type of graph

This product is a part of the Mega Pack
* Grade 6 quick-witted daily math practices *

Grade 6 quick witted daily math practices