Subject Math
Grade Levels Grade 6
Resource Type Worksheets, Printables, Homeschool
Standards CCSS 6.NS.C.6b | CCSS 6.NS.C.6c | CCSS 6.NS.C.8
Format PDF (8.84 MB | 12 pages → Exercises + Solutions)
Promo Code: TOPLA
After Purchase
This package allows you to practice the following skills
Objects on a coordinate
Graph points on a coordinate plane
Coordinates planes as maps
Distance between two points
Follow directions on a coordinate plane
This product is a part of the Mega Pack * Grade 6 quick-witted daily math practices *
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Grade Levels PreK, Kindergarten, Homeschool
Resource Type Workbooks, Printables, Math Centers
Format Zip (21.7 MB|140 pages)
Standards CCSS 6.NS.B.2
Format PDF (6.93 MB | 10 pages → Exercises + Solutions)
Standards CCSS 6.NS.C.5 | CCSS 6.NS.C.6a | CCSS 6.NS.C.6c | CCSS 6.NS.C.7a | CCSS 6.NS.C.7c | CCSS 6.NS.C.7d
Format PDF (12.7 MB | 18 pages → Exercises + Solutions)
Standards CCSS 6.NS.C.6a | CCSS 6.NS.C.6c | CCSS 6.NS.C.7b | CCSS 6.NS.C.7c | CCSS 6.NS.C.7d
Format PDF (9.43 MB | 14 pages → Exercises + Solutions)
Grade Levels Pre K, Kindergarten, Homeschool
Resource Type Game, Printables, Math Centers
Format PDF (1.29 MB | 60 puzzle pieces)
Format PDF (18.7 MB | 32 pages → Exercises + Solutions)
Format PDF (12.5 MB | 14 pages → Exercises + Solutions)
Standards CCSS 6.NS.A.1
Format PDF (11.3 MB | 16 pages → Exercises + Solutions)
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