Grade 6 Symmetry and transformation worksheets with solutions


Grade Levels
Grade 6

Resource Type
Worksheets, Printables, Homeschool

PDF (13.9 MB | 22 pages → Exercises + Solutions)

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This package allows you to practice the following skills

Identifying a line of symmetry

Identifying figures with a rotational symmetry

Rotational symmetry: the amount of rotation

Reflection, rotation and translation of figures

Combinations of reflections, rotations and translations

Identifying a specific reflection, rotation or translation

Translation: graph the image

Reflection: graph the image

Rotation: graph the image

Finding the missing angles in quadrilaterals

Sums of angles in polygons

Lines, line segments and rays

Similar and congruent figures

Finding side lenghts of similar figures

This product is a part of the Mega Pack
* Grade 6 quick-witted daily math practices *

Grade 6 quick witted daily math practices